Album Review–“More”
Lessons For Life: Never To Give Up Until You Have To Bid Farewell To Life
Francis Bacon said, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Let us apply this to music. Not every day that we come across music that is truly inspiring. Some exceptional achievements command our attention and assimilation since they contain ‘Lessons for Life’. I find Erich Harrington’s album ‘MORE’ belongs to this class.
Harrington’s versatile experience in the world of music spans back around four decades. During this period, he had been a singer, songwriter, and jazz singer. When he wanted to perform some exceptional songs he wrote and composed over the years on the stage, it gave way to the birth of the album ‘MORE’. Interestingly, the process of producing ‘MORE’ transformed the maestro making him aware of his infinite potential. Now he says that he wants to write, compose, and produce MORE such works that will continue to inspire his audience.
About the album
There are 12 songs in all. The essence of this album is ‘Reflecting on the realities of life’. This reflection in turn gives way to the realization of a higher order. In each of the songs, the songwriter has packed some incredible philosophies of life. Each song has been composed and produced exceptionally so that the tunes and treatment fully align with the theme of the lyrics. So, the result is an awesome creation that can directly address our souls with some powerful messages.

In the lines and in between the lines
01. Unrequited Love Affair (with life)
The opening song is inspirited by the wisdom radiating from living and experiencing life as it is. Every soul on this earth pines to live life to the fullest. Often, we might feel life is not reciprocating our love. Therefore, the unrequited love affair with life becomes a frustrating experience. However, we just need to endure it and move forward hoping that things might change sometime. The chorus and the singers have done an exceptionally good job of rendering the song in a magical way.
02. In the Present
This song was written decades before “The Power of Now”, but surprisingly, contains a very powerful message on the importance of living in the present. While it is the tendency of the mind to dwell in the past or future, the training we must give our mind is to be able to live in the present to experience the ultimate reality that surrounds us and is also felt within us. The composition and production are incredibly awesome in bringing out the theme so well.
03. Without You (Feat Chelsea Williams)
While nothing is permanent about life, we see even relationships drift apart. When we spare some time to reflect on what has really happened, we do feel we could have put some more effort to nurture the relationship. However, in most cases, we just can’t help more than worry. Each of the singers has given their best in this song.
04. MORE
The title and the fourth song of the album is based on the concept of money and greed and is rendered meticulously well to convey the idea in a powerful way. While most men pine to multiply their riches, the quest becomes rather endless until it has grown to obscene proportions. The question, “How much MORE?” has no straightforward answer. The tunes and arrangement of this song are highly charming.
05. 24 Balloons
Dedicated to war victims, the fifth song “24 Balloons” dwells on the sorrowful separation from those that the war has taken away from us. It is never possible for them to come back again to this world and such a separation is perhaps one of the worst pains of life we are given to endure. The singer’s command over the theme and the associated mood is just stunning.
06. Your Smile is Home
Passionate involvement with life is what makes it meaningful. The definitions you can give the word ‘Home’ is endless. However, the songwriter has summed up anything that we might say about home in a single word, ‘smile’. The arrangement of the song is a masterful work by the composer.
07. Addictive Personality
Addiction is of several types, but the underlying attitude that makes up any addiction is a greedy attachment to the given subject. Dealing with the concept of addiction in a lighter and jovial tone, the composition is exceptionally interesting and engages the audience with rapt attention till the end.
08. I Know
Most times we get ourselves lost with life, people, occupations, and other trivialities. To make the Tao flow through you, it is necessary that you must focus on yourself and stay centered. There is a strong spiritual dimension to this song and the composition surfaces the theme so beautifully.
09. Sunlight
Sunlight illumines the world. The realization and wisdom we gain from our experiences and introspection illumine our intelligence and make us understand reality. This song dwells on an incident where the subject reflects on his sudden disability and gets enlightened. The theme, rhythm, and tunes go together very well in this song making the piece really stand out.
10. Could This be Love
The moment when we discover our loved one who will henceforth share our life, its joys and sorrows write a special episode in our life. The feeling ruling the mind at that point is tough to be narrated in words. The song and composition have together done it very well.
11. Ready for the Waking
The penultimate piece prepares the audience for the peak of wisdom and realization packed in the last song. The theme of the song in this track is getting ready for the awakening moment that will free everyone from the clutches of the world to experience the expansive state of being. The voices are so enchanted and pass on the spirit of the song to the audience too.
12. Free
Moving on to the last song in the album, we already feel we have grown enough in maturity with all the earlier tracks. Now, preparing for the most wonderful message conveyed through the final piece feels incredible. The theme, lyrics, tunes, and delivery of the song etch indelible memories in the listener. Freedom finally dawns on us and this is the state for which we have been craving for so long.
What to carry forward
In all of the songs, Harrington seems to tell us this. Despite the realities of life being hard to digest, we have to come to terms with our life anyway. Therefore, ‘MORE‘ becomes an inspiring companion during hard times. Through its lyrics and music, it enjoins us never to give up until we have to bid farewell to life. With all its odds, life is so beautiful and worth living.
Listening to ‘MORE‘ just once with rapt attention will make you want to ask for MORE. It is rather hard to believe that this is the first record album that he has just got out in his long and distinguished career. The professionalism and expertise running through the composition, philosophy of the songs, and album production are stunning. In our musical collection, ‘MORE‘ deserves the most prominent spot. Thanks, Erich for this wonderful feat! The album will continue to inspire us whenever we need it the most. Let us wait to see him bring out MORE such musical treatises of life in the coming years too!
Thanks for your thoughtful review. Is there a link to stream/purchase this album?
Thanks Jolene,
Here is the link for your reference: