Album Review—Memories of Empathy by Samir Bodhi
Emotions Never Do Rest As They Have A Profound Purpose In Life Perennially
Subtle emotions add a heavenly charm to human existence, bereft of which life could be stale and unwelcoming. The feeling of comradeship is a product of empathy that can make the world a better place to live in if practiced widely and intensely. Imagine a world where every being feels connected and belonging to each other. Samir Bodhi’s new album ‘Memories of Empathy’ might be visualizing a new world order where you and I will feel the wide world an extension of our own beloved home where each one lives for the other and all of them live for God.
As an artist and composer, Samir belongs to a class of his own. He infuses a lofty purpose into his music, every time coming up with a startling new theme connected to reviving human spirits and emancipating human feelings. The end results from his compositions wish to achieve could be transformed humans and a revived world. He keeps his albums short and focused and his songs crisp and rich impregnated with a profound message. Therefore, we want to listen to more of his works for the pure delight they present us. Listening to Samir’s music is a pure indulgence in our own spirit.
‘Memories of Empathy’ has six tracks in all, each of them appealing to the listener in a unique fashion. Therefore, there is a kind of baffling variety within the handful of songs the album delivers. The title of every track conveys the gist of what to expect but in a surprisingly innovative style. Samir’s power of exploiting tunes and rhythms for imparting his philosophy is something that we cannot help but wonder at and admire. I enjoyed the album thoroughly falling in love with its theme, purpose, and deployment.
Listening to ‘Memories of Empathy’ was an innervating experience for me. I am sure you will share my feelings while enjoying it yourself.

#1 Have and Have Nots (5:53)
In the material as well as the spiritual world, the act of giving is the result of compassion, a quality inherited from God himself. However, the feelings of ‘I’ (ego) and ‘Mine’ (possessiveness) are the roadblocks to the acts of charity. The lyrics in Hindi herald the joy of giving to the needy. The act of giving is the product of Jnana or wisdom. The joy resulting from giving is something incredibly wonderful. The hymn prays for wisdom that can transform human consciousness. The rhythms are highly engaging and the flute is emancipating.
#2 Heaven So High (4:28)
The location of heaven is usually attributed to planes stretching above the earth. However, empathy and compassion can help elevate the world to the status of heaven. The second track is a fresh stream of pure instrumental melodies. Traveling with the track, I verily felt like floating up high in the sky and reaching the heavens on an unearthly voyage. Whether string, wind, or percussion instrument, each of them has given its best for the song to reach heavenly heights.
#3 Affinity (6:30)
Affinity is the result of empathy and comradeship. Affinity promotes the act of giving and brings the haves and have-nots together on a common platform to share what they have. As a spiritual value, affinity teaches us to look further than external differences and prepares humans to appreciate the oneness of spirit. The third track follows an innovative scheme with the skilled use of instrumentals and vocal harmonies. The overall effect is highly comforting and soothing for the listening soul.
#4 Compassion – Karuna (5:38)
When compassion drives your decisions, you become unstoppable and get prepared to give your worthiest possessions to those in real need. Compassion flows like rain from the inner spirit and the byproducts of compassion are love and peace. The fourth title is set in different moods and evokes rare kind of sentiments in the listener. While reaching the higher notes, the instruments engage in a deep conversation with your soul.
#5 Indifference (4:43)
Compassion and empathy make us feel one with the universe and with all beings. The result is the experience of indifference. The fifth track starts with the invocation of Gayatri Mantra, the all-powerful protector and the key to wisdom. The vocal harmonies in the track add an exceptional charm to the delivery.
#6 World of Empathy (6:48)
The final track envisions a world of empathy where everyone feels self-sufficient. In this world, there is neither the threat of greed nor the curse of poverty. ‘World of Empathy’ is truly a blessed world where everyone is happy and contented. In this track, every participating instrument takes its turn to rule the scene for some time and deliver its best. Imbued with surprising musical delights, the sixth track comes as icing on the cake, leaving the listener with a lasting effect.
My verdict
I choose to call ‘Memories Of Empathy’ a philosophical treatise in music. Just like his previous album, Samir Bodhi has chosen the universal language of music to discuss a lofty ‘Stairway to Nirvana‘, this album is a rare kind of composition in New Age Music, which you will long to listen to very often due to the incredible peace it delivers effortlessly to the heart and soul.