Album Review—Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues
Resilience in Dissonance: Discovering Depths in ‘Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues’
In his new album “Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues“, Michael Whalen breaks from the convention and loads his music with a unique theme and purpose. In the twilight of love and the shadows of melancholy, Whalen takes his audience on a sonic journey that speaks to the soul’s tender wounds. The tracks of ‘Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues’ are an intimate exploration of the human heart, while wearing the hues of sorrow and the dissonance of life’s asymmetry.
You find his music in “Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues,” mirroring the fractured beauty of emotional landscapes. Each of his tracks shares a story of heartache; every melody whispers the tales of imbalance; and the rhythms echo the cadence of resilient souls navigating the uneven terrain of existence.
In the harmonies and dissonances of Whalen’s music, the listener can find solace and discover a flicker of hope amidst the lopsided symphony of life. Through this skilled composition, he proves that music can be your guide through the bittersweet terrain of the heart. In the dexterous hands of this famed artist, BLUES become not just a genre, but an emotional palette sharing the pains of other broken hearts and bringing them a liniment to heal their lesions.

Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues
For the tracks in ‘Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues’, he has used Synthesizers, keyboards, piano, electronic and acoustic drums and percussion, drum programming, hesitant rhythm guitar, processed voice, vocoder, organ, and sound effects. He has composed, arranged, performed, and produced all music in this album.
Exploring the independent tracks
1. So Far From Home (3:34)
The notes of the opening song gallop in fast-paced strides and hint at the type of musical journey you are on with the album. Working hand in hand with spirited rhythms and beats, the melodies of this track successfully rouse you from slumber and set you on your virtual heels for a rigorous escape. You begin to feel that Whalen’s music is at work in your broken heart to initiate a healing process.
2. Shorty’s In Love (3:34)
The energy of the second track is not a bit less than that of the first song. But this time, you are in for a different kind of treat. The mood of the song in ‘Shorty’s In Love’ sounds amorous, expressive of passionate love, and also the dissonance resulting from the sore moments in the journey shared with the beloved one.
Check out its video:
3. Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues (3:46)
The tracks of life are not always even. Often your journey might happen on uneven roads hard to travel smoothly. The engaging tunes of the third track mimic the stuttering steps of a solo traveler on rugged roads. Despite the pains, disappointments, and uncertainties experienced on the way, life is beautiful and worth living when you get intimate with every experience life brings you, irrespective of whether it is sweet or bitter.
4. First Light (4:11)
I will let this video help you get a feel of the song:
5. The Sweet, Sweet Rain (4:49)
“Delightful Melody’ is the phrase I prefer to use to describe the fourth song. The tunes of ‘The Sweet, Sweet Rain’ break from the trend set by the earlier tracks and resound in your heart in appreciation of nature’s beauty. The flowing strands of music surface the beauty of winter and its enticing climate, which can become a soothing balm for the pains of a broken heart.
6. My Autumn Heart (4:27)
Autumn has an exclusive charm as a season unique in its scenery and setting. While thousands of stories are narrated about autumn in different flavors, Whalen chooses to respond to the call of autumn with his magical musical notes. “My Autumn Heart” is a charming composition that will free up your spirit for a dance in the best of climates.
7. Cairo Blues (5:25)
A robust composition, “Cairo Blues” has something mythical about it, evident in the song’s title named after the popular music genre of the Egyptian capital, and the infusion of vocal harmonies in the beginning. The brisk movement of melodies and rhythms through the song thrills any heart and the joyous mood lingers long after the song has played, having relieved you of the pains you sustained.
8. Dance Of The Morning (3:16)
Mornings are always associated with cheerful and fresh moods as we prepare with fresh spirits for the day ahead of us. Nature too joins us with freshness all over and the entire setting is fully set for the joyful ‘Dance of The Morning’. The seventh song is my favorite in the album in injecting freshness all over the listener’s being.
9. All That You Dream (3:51)
There are two kinds of dreams in life: the ones that we get during sleep and the others that drive us to actions and expectations. What if we get to find all our dreams come true on one fine day? The eighth track is an energetic song that loudly announces that life contains several hopes and promises. So, we have enough reasons to celebrate life with all its odds and surprises.
10. A Million Miles From My Heart (4:52)
The last song completes the circle started by the opening track by sharing its theme, mood, and deployment of musical notes. Long travels can either be painful or joyful depending on the purpose and outcome. Virtual journeys too present such possibilities and the charming tunes of the final track seem to tell the listener that the goal is verily attainable even if it has to be present a million miles far from one’s heart.
Take Away
Michael Whalen’s spirited composition ‘Brokenhearted Lopsided Blues’ is a rare musical work anyone will instantly fall in love with. Your first time listening to the album will tell you that you want to live with the spirit the album inspired in you forever. His energy as a composer is evident in the tracks and becomes infectious by merging with the throbs of your heart and resonating with your rising spirit. I loved listening to every track and will recommend it to any avid music lover passionate about spirited compositions for energetic mental retreats that can fix broken hearts almost instantly.
Presave the album here: